Once you have launched your deal, all the investors who have received an email
will appear in the Leads Table accessible through the “Leads” tab
The Leads Table can be exported to an Excel file for local storage by
clicking the down arrow in the top right corner of your screen
The Leads Table will list all deal leads in a default order based upon the
most recent interaction with the deal
You can reorder these leads based on a various number of Status' and/or
generated Reports
If you would like unique Status' or Reporting options added to the Leads
Table, please email one of the contacts on “Technical Support / Customer
Success” and we will implement your desired changes
The Leads Table Includes the following information / columns for each Lead:
Last Action, Status, Email, Name, Notes, Phone, Company, Job Title,
Capitalization Probability, Pass Reasons, Access Tier, Owners, Email
Campaigns, CA Signed At
Click the Icon on the top left side of the Leads table to hide / reorder
Click the X to hide columns or the back arrow to undo the hide
Click the Icon and drag to reorder Columns
To add Contacts to the Lead Table, select “Import CSV” and upload a CSV
document of contacts, or add contacts individually by selecting “Add Contact”
Please note these contacts WILL NOT be added to the master Contact List
unless you also add them to that list