Revere provides a built-in Deal Launch Checklist, accessible on the Editor
tab, that makes it easy for you to make sure that your deal is ready for
For ease of launch check these boxes off as you go through the deal setup
process, although ALWAYS additionally refer to Revere's suggested final
Below are the following suggested final steps prior to launch.
Send a test email to yourself.
Review the Subject, Send Alias, Preheader Text, and Reply-To Email.
Click all images / links to ensure they have the appropriate actions.
Review the final deal page design and deal setup.
Ensure that the deal is Listed or Unlisted, depending on your
Ensure that the VDR is listed as Visible.
Review the data room structure.
Check ALL levels of tiered security on files / folders.
Ensure CA is PUBLIC and assigned CA.
Ensure OM is assigned OM.
Ensure all team members are on the deal team and those who wish to have
notifications muted have done so.
Review the final outreach list.
If you would like to add any suggested contacts prior to launch access the
Revere Prospecting Tool from the “Prospect” tab.
The Prospect tab suggests new contacts based on prior deal interactions.